Grammar 101

🚦연결어 3 : 전치사 연습문제

imConnie 2020. 8. 9. 23:28




이전 포스트에서 익힌 at, in, on 전치사를 연습을 통해 확실히 내 것으로 만들어 보자.







* 빈칸에 알맞은 시간 전치사를 채우세요.

  1. My daughter weighed 1.8 kilos  ____ birth.
  2. ____ her birthday, we  gave her a surprise.
  3. I try to go jogging ____ every other day.
  4. Were you born ____ March 7th?
  5. We eat rice cake soup ____ New Year's Day.
  6. They were supposed to meet ____ 2 p.m. ____ next Monday.
  7. He was poor ____ his early years.  
  8. My parents will visit us ____ the weekend. 
  9. Our study member get together ____ Wednesday morning.
  10. I was born ____ spring. 
  11. The stock market crashed  ____ the latter half of the year. 
  12. He's not  ____ the moment.
  13. I ran into him in front of the theater ____ that night. 
  14. Lots of bands played music ____ the festival. 
  15. I usually plan out my month ____ the beginning of the month.
  16. Independence day falls ____ July fourth. 
  17. Kids are excited ____ Christmas Eve.
  18. I bought lot of clothes ____ sale. 
  19. All the people like to go shopping ____ Christmas. 
  20. What do you usually do ____ the morning?
  21. I work three days ____ week days.
  22. They both started laugh out loud ____ the same time. 


* 빈칸에 알맞은 장소 전치사를 채우세요.

  1. She was sitting _____ my desk.
  2. A car crash took place _____ Fifth Avenue.
  3. Put your phone _____ the table. 
  4. We communicate _____ social media.
  5. I'm working _____ the computer.
  6. Mix them all _____ a bowl. 
  7. Why don't you put _____ your coat?
  8. My place is _____ 7th floor. 
  9. It's easy to hang picture frames  _____ the wall without nails.
  10. Drop me off _____ the train station.
  11. You can see it _____ your right. 
  12. I was waiting by myself _____ the bus stop.
  13. More than half of the people in South Korea live _____ apartment buildings.
  14. The fire broke out _____ China.
  15. The restaurant is _____ the corner.
  16. The articles _____ the newspaper turned out to be fake.
  17. I used to listen to music _____ the radio.
  18. My dog like to sit _____ the chair. 
  19. I watch movies  _____ YouTube.
  20. He lived ____ 5 Kensington Street _____ Seoul. 
  21. The bird was caught _____ a cage. 
  22. Never try swimming _____ the river.
  23. I like to go out for a walk _____ the park. 
  24. Did you have fun _____ the party?
  25. I was sick ____ bed all day.
  26. Balloons are flying away ____ the sky.
  27. She is talking ____on the phone  ____ the subway.

